Carrie Robinson's Story

Building a successful career after parental leave

The life-changing moment
When I first found out I was going to become a parent, it was truly a mix of emotions. Joy and excitement were the obvious ones, but beyond that, I also found myself a bit uncertain about the impact it would have on my career. The idea of not working for over 12 months seemed daunting. However, both my people leader, as well as Northbridge as an organization, were very supportive and helped me prepare and plan for this new chapter in my life.
The transition back to work
One of my fears around resuming work after my parental leave was time management - how was I going to do it all? However, Northbridge did a great job of easing the transition back to work for me. I didn't feel any pressure to have it all figured out on Day One. Instead, I felt understood as I reacclimatized myself to the work environment at my own pace. The programs and people at Northbridge provided me with the flexibility to balance both my personal and professional time in a way that worked best for me.
Taking on a new role upon my return
When I returned to work, I was offered a more senior position within my team! The confidence that my people leader showed in me, especially after being away for 14 months, meant that my work and achievements before my leave were remembered and rewarded. Fast forward another year, and I seized yet another opportunity at Northbridge in another team. Once again, this was a move that was smooth and encouraged as it was the best thing for my career growth. At Northbridge, you feel seen and valued - and supported to truly embrace the little and huge moments in your life! 


We're serious about ensuring our people have what they need for the milestones in their lives.
New Family Member Leave
Welcoming a new child to your family is an important time in your life. All parents, whether having a baby or adopting, automatically receive additional paid time off at Northbridge!
New Family Member Ramp-Up
Introducing a new family member has its own set of challenges, and this program allows you to ease into work at your own pace. For the first month, you can choose to work part-time hours or a ramp-up schedule - whatever works for you and your people leader.
Sometimes a vacation just isn't enough. Whether you need time to focus on your studies, do some extensive travelling or you just need to take a break from work, a Sabbatical is an extended period of time you can take to meet these needs.